March 19, 2019
Southwestern's Black Law Students Association negotiations team took first place at the 51st Annual National Black Law Students convention
March 11, 2019
Southwestern's community was delighted by a Sunday afternoon email from Professor Carpenter announcing that Moot Court TEAM ABA - aka
November 15, 2018
Congratulations to all three teams of the Negotiation Honors Program on returning triumphant from the ABA Regional Negotiation Competition
October 3, 2018
For the 2018-2019 academic year, CourtCall will present an award of $250.00 to each of three (3) law students who demonstrate skill in Moot
June 8, 2018
Southwestern is pleased to announce the winners of the Mayor Tom Bradley Legacy Visual Art Competition! In blind judging, six judges
May 2, 2018
Congratulations to Jamison Gilmore on winning the National Law Review Law School Writing Contest! His article, “Augmented Reality Incitement
April 6, 2018
Please join us in congratulating Rightly Perry
March 12, 2018
Southwestern made history Sunday as Moot Court Team Wagner, Michael Alfera, Xhesi Hysi, and Reneh Sepanosian, placed first at the 42nd Annua
March 10, 2018
Competition season is in full swing for Southwestern’s Moot Court Team! Moot-ers are balancing classes, life, and bringing their A-game and
February 10, 2018
Southwestern was featured on a list of “Top Law Schools for Trial Advocacy” in the Winter 2018 issue of preLaw Magazine (page 49). We are
February 5, 2018
November 21, 2017
This past weekend, three Southwestern Law School teams entered the ABA Regional Negotiation competition in Los Angeles. Southwestern took