Support Network
From the moment you begin as a student at Southwestern, you will have the people and resources available to help you succeed academically while enhancing your overall law-school experience.
- Peer Mentors — All first-year students are assigned a Peer Mentor. Peer Mentors assist in building community on campus and foster student development through mentorship and guidance to campus resources.
- 30+ Student Organizations — opportunities to socialize, develop networking skills, and connect with fellow students.
- Mindfulness In Law Society - SBA Club at Southwestern — The national Mindfulness in Law Society (MILS) seeks to improve the mental health and well-being of law students across the nation through mindful practice.
- Parents Attending Law School — A student organization for law student parents, parents-to-be, guardians, those contemplating a family in law school, and supporters of this community.
The Student Support & Emergency Team (SSET) —
The faculty, staff, and administration recognize that our students can face a variety of stressors, including academic concerns, personal and relationship challenges, and medical and emotional difficulties (i.e., death in the family). We have established a Student Support & Emergency Team (SSET) to help any students facing these challenges.
SSET is a standing group of administrators and faculty members who assist law students experiencing a variety of personal and institutional problems. Students, faculty, and staff can refer issues and emergencies to sset@swlaw.edu.
Because we treat all reports as having been made in confidence, we may not be able to share with you the outcome of any concern you express about others. We will, however, attempt to confirm that we have made contact with the student. Because an email communication often includes identifying information, we cannot guarantee anonymity to those who make email submissions.
- Dean’s Fellows — All incoming first-year students are assigned a Dean's Fellow. Dean’s Fellows are Academic Success teaching assistants who provide in-depth feedback to students on outlines, essays, and other work products.
- Academic Success Programs — workshops, courses, programs, and counseling to help you achieve your full academic potential
- The Writing Center — writing experts provide individualized assistance and specialized workshops
- Academic Advising Center — a welcoming place for academic advising and curriculum-planning guidance
- Accessibility Services — get accommodations for exams, including notetaking services, special chairs, extra time on exams, reduced distraction testing environment, breaks during exams, or anything else you need to succeed by contacting the Student Services Office.
- Student Health Insurance — Southwestern offers affordable coverage that is accessible to all students regardless of a previous condition and continues through the bar exam for graduating students.
- BisonCares — The BisonCares program offers Southwestern Law students a variety of free support options and tools designed to help them mentally and emotionally.
- HelpNet — a national Student Assistance hotline that can help students with counseling and community resources
- Lawyers Assistance Program — The State Bar's Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP) helps attorneys (active, inactive, or disbarred), State Bar applicants, and law students who are struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, substance use issues, or personal and career concerns.
- The Other Bar — The Other Bar is a network of recovering lawyers, law students, and judges throughout the state dedicated to assisting others within the legal profession who are suffering from alcohol and substance abuse problems. The Statewide Law Student Meeting occurs weekly on Wednesdays at 8:00pm. Please click here for more information.
- Alcoholics Anonymous — Alcoholics Anonymous offers a 24/7 confidential helpline, as well as an extensive list of local AA meetings in every state.
- 988 Mental Health Crisis Hotline — If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org
- Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services — Didi Hirsch’s Suicide Prevention Center offers a comprehensive array of crisis services, therapy, outreach, and training. For therapy and support groups in Los Angeles County, contact 424-362-2911.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) — SAMHSA provides a list of resources for suicide prevention, including crisis lines, prevention resources, professional resources, and youth and family resources.
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) — NIMH provides information on suicide, including a list of warning signs, risk factors, treatments and therapies, and ongoing research.
- The Renfrew Center — The Renfrew Center of Los Angeles is an outpatient facility specializing in the treatment of anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating, as well as the full range of eating disorders. Programming consists of a comprehensive range of in-person and virtual options, including Day Treatment, Intensive Outpatient, and Outpatient Services.
- The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) — NEDA is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders. NEDA provides screening tools, a helpline, a database for treatment centers, and free to low-cost support options.