Campus Safety & Security
Southwestern Law School is committed to providing a safe campus environment for students, faculty, staff, residents, and visitors. The law school's security program is supported by numerous individuals on a daily basis; however, the complete success of the program can only be achieved through the cooperation and participation of all members of the law school community. This publication is part of Southwestern's ongoing effort to ensure that this collaborative endeavor is effective. Information required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is provided to assist you in establishing personal safety and contributing to a safe campus.
Southwestern is located in the heart of one of the largest and most vibrant cities in the country. A variety of cultural, entertainment, educational, and professional opportunities exist in the area for you to enjoy. To make the most of this dynamic urban environment, it is important to develop your own personal safety awareness. Additionally, by taking a stake in providing a safe environment for learning, teaching, living, and working, you increase your own safety and the safety of those around you. Your involvement in Southwestern’s security program will ensure that the law school campus and residential areas continue to be secure and crime-free.
See also: Emergency Operations Plan
- Campus Security
The Director of Campus Safety and Security is responsible for maintaining the campus security program; developing and implementing security policies and procedures; supervising security officers; investigating security incidents; disseminating security related notices and information; maintaining law school facilities and security equipment; providing educational materials to students, faculty, and staff; and, working as a liaison between the law school and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).
Southwestern has engaged the services of Allied Universal. Allied Universal security officers are charged with a full range of responsibilities including: protecting students, faculty, staff, law school property, and facilities; reporting crime, medical, fire, and other emergencies; reporting suspicious or criminal activities to the Los Angeles Police Department; and managing all other incidents requiring security officer assistance.
Security officers provide service to the law school 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. Officers employ a variety of crime prevention techniques including area foot patrols, bicycle patrols, and security walks to enhance campus security. Campus Security operates a 24-hour communications center that coordinates and supports the activities of patrolling officers.
Security officers must pass screening and background checks. Additionally, security supervisors and officers receive training from Allied Universal on crime reporting, incident investigation, evidence gathering, arrest procedures, property surveillance, and responding to campus emergencies such as earthquakes and fires. Security supervisors and designated officers are also cross-trained on emergency medical procedures including first aid/CPR/AED/Naloxone response and communication with emergency medical technicians.
Security communications include the use of two-way radios by all security officers. Additionally, officers monitor two-way radio and telephone transmissions in the Security Office on a 24-hour basis in order to provide information and security service and to coordinate police, fire, and medical emergency response. The Campus Security Office is located on the first floor of the Bullocks Wilshire Building (213-738-5793) and The Residences Security Office is located next to the Leasing Office (213-738-6745).
All security supervisors and officers have civilian powers of arrest. The primary statutory responsibility for law enforcement both on and off the law school campus rests with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) - Olympic Division. However, LAPD cannot provide 24-hour protection to all areas at all times. As a result, Campus Security and LAPD work closely together handling suspicious situations as well as crime reporting, response, and investigation for the law school and the surrounding neighborhood.
- Security Services
Many crimes can be prevented. At Southwestern, crime prevention is a partnership between you and the law school. You can prevent crime by making safe behavior part of your daily routine. Southwestern also offers the following services to help keep you safe.
Security provides Security Walks for the safety of anyone walking alone on campus. Security Walks are available during law school operating hours, seven days a week. To request a Security Walk, contact Campus Security at (213) 738-5793, or go to the Security Office located on the first floors of the Bullocks Wilshire or Westmoreland Buildings.
Security intercoms are located throughout the law school campus. Exterior intercoms are located along the perimeter wall of the upper Bullocks Wilshire parking lot and in the parking structures of both the Bullocks Wilshire Building and The Residences at 7th and are identified by a blue light. Interior intercoms are provided throughout the Bullocks Wilshire Building bathrooms and the library. Intercoms are also located in the elevator courts at The Residences at 7th.
The Administrative Services Office (W100) maintains the law school’s lost and found. Found items may be turned in to Campus Security or the Administrative Services Office. Found items are retained in the office for one semester. If you have lost an item, please call (213) 738-6800 or stop by to check if the item was turned in. Items lost in the Law Library are retained at the circulation desk for one semester.
Southwestern reviews on-campus and public property crime statistics and provides reports to the law school community via the weekly Security Roundup email. The Security Roundup is also posted in key locations throughout campus. Additionally, the data is used by Campus Security for daily patrols and in coordination with LAPD.
Southwestern inspects campus grounds and buildings to identify and address security and safety needs.
Southwestern urges all students, faculty, and staff to sign up for SW-Alert, which allows the law school to send text messages to participants who have registered their personal cellular telephone. Participation in SW-Alert is voluntary. To sign up, go to: www.swlaw.edu/swalert.
- Facility Access
All parking and building entrances are controlled by a computerized access system and may be entered by using your Southwestern identification card during building operating hours. Different access privileges are provided for residential students.
- Security Systems
Southwestern has exterior lighting along the law school buildings and parking lots to keep the campus well lit. Perimeter security fencing and closed circuit cameras are located in the parking lots and throughout other campus areas, including The Residences at 7th. Additionally, the Bullocks Wilshire Building has emergency intercoms in the library, restrooms, and parking areas. The Residences at 7th have emergency intercoms at pedestrian and parking entrances and throughout the parking structure.
- Facility Maintenance
Southwestern maintains law school facilities to ensure a secure and safe campus. The Building Department regularly monitors the condition of all law school facilities, paying close attention to safety-related items, prioritizing all service requests involving security and safety, and regularly monitors and repairs campus lighting, fencing, and security equipment.
To report an academic building maintenance or safety problem, call the Administrative Services Office at (213) 738-6800 or email administrativeservices@swlaw.edu. Residential building maintenance or safety problems may be reported to the Property Manager at (213) 738-5500 or housing@swlaw.edu.
- Firearms and Weapons
Security officers may carry firearms while on duty. No one other than licensed on-duty security officers, on-duty law enforcement officers and, with prior authorization from Administrative Services, off-duty law enforcement personnel and qualified retired law enforcement officers as described in the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004, may carry or possess firearms or other weapons on campus or at any Southwestern sponsored event. These weapons may be used only when there is a serious, imminent, identifiable threat to life or a threat of great bodily harm. Other weapons, including certain bladed weapons defined in California Penal Code 626.10 (b) and less lethal weapons, including stun guns defined in Penal Code 626.10 (i), are prohibited.
- Law School Access
Southwestern is a private institution. Only students, employees, and authorized alumni with valid Southwestern identification cards and invited guests may enter the campus. Southwestern has adopted a phase-based system to determine when and where individuals will be required to wear masks indoors on our campus. While masks are not required under the Green (Low) Phase, use of a K95, KN95, or KF94 masks are highly recommended. Masks may be required under the Yellow Phase and are required under the Red Phase in accordance with our indoor masking policy. The law library is open to current students, faculty, staff, and alumni. The Career Services Office is only open to currently enrolled students and recent graduates by appointment. The Residences at 7th is open only to residents and their guests, and authorized employees and agents of Southwestern. The remaining law school property and facilities are open only to students, faculty, and staff who are currently enrolled or employed, and invited guests. Any other person who enters the campus and refuses to leave upon the request of the Dean or their agent may be guilty of a misdemeanor (Sec. 602 of the Penal Code of the State of California).
VISITOR ACCESS – Administrative Buildings
Before gaining campus access, all pre-approved campus visitors must check in with Campus Security and show a government-issued I.D. All guests must follow the campus mask phase in effect at the time of the visit. Additional information about Southwestern’s indoor masking policy is available on Southwestern’s website. Visitors must clearly display a Southwestern visitor badge or color-coded wristband on campus. Visitors must follow the directions of Campus Security officers, staff, or administrators while on campus. Southwestern reserves the right to revoke visitor access privileges at any time, with or without cause.
- Reporting Crimes and Emergencies
We encourage every member of the law school community to promptly report to Campus Security and/or LAPD any emergency or crime of which they are the victim or which they may witness either on-campus or in the proximity of the law school. Reporting crime within minutes after it occurs improves the chances of apprehending a suspect and solving the crime. Every minute that passes before the crime is reported decreases the odds of making an arrest and solving the crime. Additionally, reporting crimes help prevent them from recurring and allows responsible campus officials to direct security resources and programs to reduce crime and promote security awareness.
Campus Security and the Administrative Services Office respond promptly to any report of criminal activity or campus emergency by conducting an immediate search of the law school campus and surrounding area for suspects and evidence. When a crime is reported, LAPD is called, and a security officer is dispatched to the emergency location to take necessary action, conduct a preliminary investigation, prepare a crime report, and relay information to LAPD for a prompt response.
When reporting crime:
- Immediately go to a safe place and call Campus Security at (213) 738-5793, (213) 738-6735, or call LAPD at 9-1-1.
- Stay on the line and tell the officer or dispatcher everything you can remember about the crime or suspect (their clothing, vehicle, and direction of travel).
- Keep emergency numbers in this brochure handy and add these numbers to your smartphone contact lists.
- Reporting crimes help prevent them from recurring. Campus Security tracks crime and crime trends to develop specific ways to combat it.
When you report a crime:
- Campus Security dispatches an officer to your location.
- The officer conducts a preliminary investigation and prepares a crime report.
- Campus Security will call LAPD and also provide a copy of the crime report to LAPD.
Reporting Criminal Activity:
Good observation and being a good witness help in solving crimes. When reporting to Campus Security or LAPD, include everything you can remember about the suspect and incident, including:
- Location of the incident you are reporting. Classrooms throughout campus have location cards that indicate exact location on campus.
- Suspect description: Descriptive information such as gender, age, weight, height, hair color, clothing including color and style, complexion, speech mannerisms, accent, and other distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, or marks.
- Suspect escape route and mode of travel.
- Description of any vehicles involved in the incident, especially license plate number and vehicle color, make/manufacturer, and model.
All reports will be investigated. Violations of the law will be referred to LAPD. When a potentially dangerous threat to the Southwestern community arises, timely warnings will be issued through text messages via SW-Alert, email announcements, posting flyers, or other appropriate means.
- Emergency Notification and Evacuation Plans
Southwestern shall notify the law school community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, faculty, or staff occurring on the campus. Some examples of significant emergencies or dangerous situations are:
- Fire in campus building or property
- Outbreak of COVID, meningitis, norovirus, or other serious illness
- Earthquake
- Extreme weather
- Gas leak
- Terrorist incident
- Armed intruder
- Bomb threat
- Civil unrest or rioting
- Explosion
- Nearby chemical or hazardous waste spill
If Southwestern confirms that there is an emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of the Southwestern community, some or all of the systems described below will be used to communicate an appropriate warning regarding the threat to the Southwestern community.
In determining an appropriate communication, Southwestern will take into account several factors, including but not limited to the building or segment of the population threatened, the nature of the threat, and the credibility of information received. Additional consideration will be given to the following methods when it is determined that there is a significant dangerous situation: email, text messaging, lobby plasma screens, posted flyers, neighborhood alert, and Security Alert
The Administrative Services Office coordinates the law school's efforts to prepare for and respond to major emergencies. The office coordinates preparation and training for emergency service responders, maintains the law school emergency operations plan, and oversees emergency response with Campus Security. The law school's emergency plan can be found on the Portal.
Scheduled drills with follow-through communications will be conducted each year by Administrative Services. Emergency Evacuation Floor Plans are posted in every building on campus. The evacuation plan provides a building floor plan, identifying the locations of all exits, fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguishers, and fire hoses. Signage is also provided in each classroom and includes emergency response instructions.
- Timely Warning
Southwestern provides timely reports to the law school community as required by the Clery Act for crimes considered a serious or continuing threat to students or employees that are reported to Campus Security or other law school authorities; that occurred within the law school area; or deemed to constitute a serious or continuing threat to the law school community. The warning will be issued through any means appropriate, including Security Alerts, Security Roundup, the Security Incident Log, law school email, lobby plasma screens, posted flyers, or on the Southwestern website and as soon as pertinent information becomes available.
Anyone who believes they have information that may justify issuance of an emergency notification to the law school should report that information to Campus Security at (213) 738-5793, email security@swlaw.edu, or in person at the Campus Security Office located in the Bullocks Wilshire Building.
This weekly notice is sent via email and posted on the security portal page and throughout the law school. The notice includes a listing of criminal activity occurring either on-campus or in the area immediately surrounding the law school, along with crime prevention tips for specific crimes. This notice is available for public inspection in the Administrative Services Office during regular business hours.
The Security Incident Log contains a three-year record of on-campus and public property crimes and includes incident date and time, location, description, and Campus Security/LAPD response. The log is available for review by students, faculty, and staff in the Administrative Services Office and on the Portal.
This flyer is posted in the building lobbies whenever a crime occurs in the area surrounding the campus.
This flyer is posted in the building lobbies whenever suspicious activity or crime occurs on the law school campus.
Additionally, periodic security announcements regarding area crime, security procedures, crime prevention, and campus watch alerts are provided via email or other printed information in an effort to reduce campus crime.
Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the Administrative Services Office by phone (213) 738-6800 or in person at W100. Information can also be reported to Campus Security at (213) 738-5793, (213) 738-6735, by email to security@swlaw.edu, or by directly contacting the security officer in the Bullocks Wilshire Building Security Office.
An emergency notification will be issued via PA system, email, SW-Alert (text messaging), or other method when it is determined that there is a significant dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, faculty, or staff occurring on-campus.
- Monitoring Criminal Activity
While LAPD may have primary jurisdiction in all areas off campus, Campus Security officers can and do respond to security-related incidents that occur in close proximity to campus. Campus Security communicates with the LAPD, fire department, and ambulance services to facilitate rapid response in any emergency. When a Southwestern student, faculty, or staff member is a party to an off-campus security matter, Campus Security officers may assist with the investigation in cooperation with local, state, or federal officers.
Southwestern operates on-campus student housing but does not operate any off-campus student housing or off-campus student organization facilities.
- Preparing and Distributing of Annual Crime Reports
The preparation of Southwestern’s annual security report is an ongoing process. Statistics are compiled in accordance with the Uniform Crime Reporting System of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Statistics for the annual crime report are based upon data provided by Campus Security and LAPD. To comply with the Clery Act, Southwestern collects relevant online crime statistics from LAPD for locations that are contiguous to or adjacent to the property of Southwestern.
The full text of this report can be viewed on the Campus and Security page on the portal. Each year an email notification is sent to all faculty, staff, and enrolled students that include the link to access this report. Copies of this report may also be obtained at the Administrative Services Office.
- Campus Crime Statistics and Crime Definitions
- Crime Prevention Techniques
Before an emergency occurs, prevent crime by incorporating the following practices into your daily routine.
- Get to know your neighbors.
- Do not prop open outside doors.
- Always lock your doors and windows, even if you are just going out for a minute. Secure sliding doors with a pole in the bottom track.
- Do not let strangers into your building, apartment, or home, even if they look harmless.
- Record serial numbers and keep videos, photos, or descriptions of your valuables.
- If you receive an obscene phone call, hang up. If calls continue, report them to your local law enforcement agency.
- Use timers in your residence to turn your lights on automatically, especially if you are traveling or are not home.
- There is safety in numbers. Always travel with a friend or in a group.
- Be alert and pay attention to your surroundings.
- Look confident when you walk and keep a firm grip on your book bag, purse, or briefcase.
- Make eye contact and actively look at other people. Criminals will most likely leave you alone if you are a good witness and can identify their facial features and appearance.
- Avoid dark streets when parking or walking.
- Do not use ATM machines at night, especially if the area is not well-lit.
- Walk closer to the street curb and avoid passing by shrubs, dark doorways and other hiding places.
- Carry your access control card and keys in your hand to allow quick entry into your car or home.
- Keep mobile telephones fully charged and ready for use.
- If you suspect trouble or do not feel safe/comfortable, leave the area immediately.
- Keep windows rolled up and doors locked when parked, even if you are leaving for just a few seconds.
- Keep possessions out of sight and locked in the trunk. Keep your purse either under the front seat or in your car trunk while driving.
- Check around your car and in the back seat before you get in. Lock your car doors as soon as you get into your car.
- Make sure your car runs well and has plenty of gas.
- If your car breaks down, stay inside your car and wait. Never go with anyone who offers help. Instead, ask them to call for assistance.
- Park in an area that is well lit.
- Never pick up strangers.
- Do not allow another vehicle to force you off the road. Instead, drive to a busy location to get away from a dangerous driving situation.
- Use the security walk service when walking to your car or on-campus apartment.
- Walk in groups and walk confidently. Do not walk alone.
- Never leave laptop computers, personal property, or other valuables unattended on-campus or visible in your vehicle.
- Put your name and contact information on your property, including laptops and books.
- At night, place personal property in a locked desk, cabinet, or locker.
- Store money in a cash box and keep it in a locked cabinet.
- Immediately report any suspicious individuals, packages, or unattended belongings to Campus Security.
- Maintain an awareness of your surroundings at all times.
- Crime Prevention and Security Awareness Programs
Crime prevention at Southwestern is a campus and community-based effort. Representatives of the Administrative Services Office meet with LAPD officers as needed to discuss area crime prevention to increase neighborhood safety. Involvement by all members of the law school campus and the community is essential to the success of the program. By taking an active role in crime prevention, the quality of life for students, faculty, staff, and the neighborhood is greatly improved.
Southwestern's crime prevention program increases awareness and campus safety through the dissemination of materials and presentations geared toward reducing criminal opportunities. A variety of programs are utilized to encourage security-conscious behavior:
Students, faculty and staff may leave any crime tip reporting information for questions about who, what, where, when, why, how much, or with what. You do not need to leave your name or how you came across the information. The crime tip line is monitored by the Administrative Services Office, is completely anonymous, and helps you take an active role in keeping your campus crime-free.
This program encourages public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime and emphasizes the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities.
Tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of property theft are highlighted through various communiques.
Theft of unattended property such as backpacks, laptop computers, purses, briefcases, books, or cellular telephones occasionally occurs on the law school campus. To assist you in protecting your valuables, Southwestern encourages you to label personal property and to keep a record of the property in the event it is stolen (e.g., make, model, serial number). Marking valuables not only deters theft but may also lead to the recovery of the item. Anyone wishing to label their property may borrow a permanent marking pen from Campus Security in the Security Office (ext. 5793).
Bicycle registration is required for all faculty, staff, and students who ride or park a bicycle on the Southwestern campus. By registering your bicycle, you will help Southwestern identify your bike if it is lost, stolen, recovered, or impounded. There is no cost for the registration, and a sticker will be provided one time for your bicycle. Send an email to parking@swlaw.edu to register your bicycle.
Crime prevention tips are emailed monthly and posted on lobby plasma screens and on brochures and flyers. Different security topics are highlighted each month to familiarize students, faculty, and staff with specific crime prevention strategies. The crime prevention topics for the 2022-2023 academic year are:
August Personal Well-Being and Safety September National Campus Safety Awareness October Apartment & Residential Safety November Alcohol & Substance Abuse Awareness December Holiday, Online Shopping & ATM Safety January Vehicle/Transportation Safety February Fraud & Identity Theft March Street Smarts April
Sexual Violence Awareness and Denim Day May Emergency Preparedness June Keeping Kids Safe July Travel and Tourist Safety MISSING STUDENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES
The risk that a student might go missing is a concern for all higher education institutions. A report of a missing student can come from a variety of sources, including family, friends, or fellow students. Because of our concern for student safety and in accordance with federal law, Southwestern Law School has established a missing student policy and procedures.
- Student Residences
The Residences at 7th Management Office performs student housing and residential unit health and safety (H&S) inspections quarterly. Inspections will be announced at least 24 hours in advance unless an emergency exists. The H&S inspections are primarily designed to find and eliminate safety violations. Student residents are required to read and comply with the Housing Rules and Regulations and the Housing Contract, which includes the H&S inspections and all other rules and regulations for residential buildings. The inspections include but are not limited to, a visual examination of electrical cords, sprinkler heads, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and other life safety systems.
In addition, each room will be examined for the presence of prohibited items (e.g., grills and hibachis, flammable items such as fuel and propane gas, extension cords not meeting the standards set forth in the Rules and Regulations, and unattended sources of open flames or heat, such as Bunsen burners, lighted candles, alcohol burners, heating elements, irons, curling irons, halogen bulbs, etc.) or prohibited activity (e.g., smoking anywhere in The Residences at 7th, including the common areas, study rooms, or in the apartment; tampering with smoke detectors and other fire-life safety equipment; and blocking or disabling of exits, doors or windows). This inspection will also include a general assessment of food and waste storage and cleanliness of the apartment, and other violations of the Housing Contract. Violations are subject to fines and other remedies, including lease termination, as set forth in the Housing Contract.
In the event of a fire, Southwestern expects that all residential community members evacuate by using the nearest exit, closing doors, and activating the fire alarm system (if one is present) as they leave. Once safely outside a building, it is appropriate to contact 911 and Campus Security. For all other campus areas, students, faculty, and staff are informed where to relocate to if circumstance warrants at the time of the alarm. In the event that fire alarms sound, Southwestern’s policy is that all occupants must evacuate from the building, closing doors as they leave. No training is provided to students or employees in firefighting or suppression activity as this is inherently dangerous, and each community member’s only duty is to exit safely and quickly, shutting doors along the exit path as they go to contain the spread of flames and smoke and to activate the alarm as they exit. At no time should the closing of doors or the activation of the alarm delay the exit from the building.
Information on fire safety and evacuation is provided in the Resident Guide. If a fire occurs, students are instructed to leave hazardous areas per the evacuation routes and get to a predetermined location before calling 911 for help. They are to remain in that location so that the Residence Manager or someone from Campus Security or the Administrative Services Office has documented that the student has left the building. Students who witness a fire are instructed to activate the fire alarm as they are leaving the building if they can do so without risking their safety. Information about fire safety programs is also available online at any time at https://swlawportal.swlaw.edu/emergsafety/Pages/default.aspx.
Per federal law, Southwestern is required to annually disclose statistical data on all fires that occur in on-campus student housing facilities. Listed below are the non-emergency numbers to call to report fires that have already been extinguished in on-campus student housing. These are fires for which you are unsure whether the Campus Security and Administrative Services Office may already be aware. If you find evidence of such a fire or if you hear about such a fire, please contact one of the following:
- Campus Security: (213) 738-5793; (213) 738-6735
- Administrative Services Office: (213) 738-6800
When calling, please provide as much information as possible about the location, date, time, and cause of the fire.
Southwestern’s student residences' fire-life safety systems are tested and maintained on a recurring schedule. Evacuation and fire-life safety practices are reviewed and updated regularly.
The purpose of evacuation drills is to prepare building occupants for an organized evacuation in case of an emergency. At Southwestern, evacuation drills are used as a way to educate and train occupants on issues specific to their building. During the drill, occupants “practice” drill procedures and familiarize themselves with the location of exits and the sound of the fire alarm. Educational information is distributed to residents re-entering a facility immediately after an evacuation drill. In addition to educating the occupants of each building about the evacuation procedures during the drills, the process also provides the law school an opportunity to test the operation of fire alarm system components.
Evacuation drills are monitored by the Administrative Services Office and Student Housing to evaluate egress and behavioral patterns. Reports are prepared by participating departments, which identify deficient equipment so that repairs can be made immediately. Recommendations for improvements are also submitted to the appropriate departments/offices for consideration.
The Administrative Services Office conducts announced and unannounced drills and exercises each year and conducts follow-through activities designed for the assessment and evaluation of emergency plans and capabilities. The Administrative Services Office coordinates announced and unannounced evacuation drills to test the emergency response and evacuation procedures and to assess and evaluate the emergency evacuation plans and capabilities.
If an incident occurs and the buildings or areas around you become unstable, or if the air outdoors becomes dangerous due to toxic or irritating substances, it is usually safer to stay indoors because leaving the area may expose you to that danger. Thus, to “shelter-in-place” means to make a shelter of the building that you are in, and with a few adjustments, this location can be made even safer and more comfortable until it is safe to go outside.
Year Number of Fires Cause Injuries Deaths Property Damage 2020 0 0 0 0 0 2021 0 0 0 0 0 2022 0 0 0 0 0 - Sexual Misconduct
Southwestern Law School’s Sexual Misconduct Policy prohibits sexual misconduct, including all forms of sexual- or gender-based discrimination and harassment. Southwestern encourages all members of the community to take action to maintain and facilitate a safe, welcoming, and respectful environment on campus; this includes pursuing claims of sexual misconduct.
Sex- or gender-based discrimination refers to the disparate treatment of a person or group because of that person’s or group’s sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
Harassment is conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile working or learning environment or that unreasonably interferes with work or academic performance based on a person’s protected status, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. All such conduct is unlawful.
Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal, physical, graphic or otherwise.
Southwestern will investigate allegations of harassment or discrimination involving students, faculty, employees, campus visitors, or any other person on law school property or involved in a law school function.
Examples of conduct that may create a hostile environment include:
- Verbal Conduct: includes making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, or humor; verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body; sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations; or objectively offensive comments of a sexual nature, including persistent or pervasive sexually explicit statements, questions, jokes, or anecdotes.
- Visual Conduct: includes leering, making sexual gestures, displaying of suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons, or posters in a public space or forum; or severe, persistent, or pervasive visual displays of suggestive, erotic, or degrading sexually oriented images that are not pedagogically appropriate.
- Written conduct: includes letters, notes, or electronic communications containing comments, words, or images described above.
A number of different acts fall into the category of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation, and stalking.
- Sexual assault: any sexual act directed against another person without consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent.
- Non-consensual sexual contact: Having sexual contact with another individual by force or threat of force without the individual’s affirmative consent or when the individual is incapacitated.
- Sexual exploitation: occurs when an individual takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another for one’s own advantage or benefit or to benefit or advantage anyone other than the one being exploited.
- Stalking: occurs when a person engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for their safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress.
For more information on conduct prohibited by the Southwestern Sexual Misconduct Policy, please review the policy HERE.
Members of the Southwestern community can help keep other campus members safe by being observant and reporting criminal or inappropriate activities when they occur.
- It is not your fault.
- If you feel safe, report the incident to someone you trust. You may report the incident to the appropriate authorities, including Campus Security, LAPD, or the Title IX Coordinator, as soon as possible.
- Keep a record. Preserve any evidence of the incident if possible (e.g. text messages, photographs, clothing, etc.).
- Provide detailed information such as a description of the individual(s) involved, incident location, the time the incident occurred, and details about the incident. Campus Security will assist any reporting party in notifying law enforcement authorities.
- Learn more about the procedures. Details about the initiation of informal or formal procedures can be found for law school constituencies in the following publications:
Retaliation includes materially adverse action taken against a person for making a good faith report of sexual misconduct or participating in any proceeding under the Sexual Misconduct Policy. Adverse action includes conduct that threatens, intimidates, harasses, coerces, or in any other way seeks to discourage a reasonable person from participating in sexual misconduct proceedings. Retaliation can be committed by or against any individual or group of individuals, not just a responding party or reporting party. Retaliation does not include good faith actions lawfully pursued in response to a report of sexual misconduct.
Southwestern will take immediate and responsive action to any report of retaliation against a person for making a good-faith report of sexual misconduct or participating in proceedings under the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Southwestern recognizes that an individual may wish to report sexual misconduct to the Law School and maintain confidentiality. Southwestern will balance any request for privacy with its dual obligation to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all Southwestern community members. In deciding whether to disclose details of a reported sexual offense, Southwestern may consider the seriousness of the conduct, the respective ages, and roles of the individuals involved, whether there have been other complaints or reports of harassment or misconduct against the accused party, and the rights of the accused party to receive notice and relevant information before disciplinary action is sought. Further, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act mandates the annual disclosure of statistics of sexual offenses known to have occurred within the law school’s jurisdiction. The victim’s name will not be disclosed in any such reporting.
Sexual misconduct or violence occurring between members of the Southwestern community will be regarded as a basis for Southwestern disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from school or termination of employment. Where a report is made alleging that a sexual offense has been perpetrated by a member of the law school community against another member, the law school is committed to providing fair and appropriate adjudication. Reports of sexual harassment or assault will be handled according to procedures set forth in the documents regulating student, faculty, and staff behavior (i.e., the Policy to Prevent Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation and the Sexual Misconduct Policy). Disciplinary procedures shall provide that: 1) the reporting party and the responding party are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during disciplinary procedures, and 2) both the reporting party and the responding party will be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding alleging a sexual offense.
Upon receipt of a report of alleged sexual misconduct or retaliation, non-disciplinary, non-punitive, free-of-charge individualized services will be offered to the reporting party and/or the responding party by Southwestern as appropriate and reasonably available. Assistance may include, but is not limited to, academic support (e.g., extensions, change of schedule, etc.), on-campus housing changes, and a security escort.
Any conduct which is a violation of local, state, or federal law and which occurs on the law school campus will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency having criminal jurisdiction. Southwestern will assist any student, faculty, or staff member with notifying the LAPD.
Students, faculty, or staff who have been victims of a sexual offense may also seek assistance from the following community support and counseling centers:
- Santa Monica UCLA Medical Center: (310) 319-4000
- Violence Intervention Program (24 Hours): (323) 221-4134, (323) 409-3800, (323) 409-5086
- East Los Angeles Women’s Center (24 Hours): (800) 585-6231
- Peace Over Violence: (213) 626-3393
Counseling services are available for students through Southwestern’s BisonCares Program at (833) 434-1217 or http://www.swlaw.edu/BisonCares.
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Act Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act requires that law school students, faculty, and staff be advised how to obtain registered sex offender information. This information is available three ways: 1) Police and Sheriff’s departments may notify residents or businesses of a nearby “high risk” or “serious” sex offender; 2) individuals may view the information at most local law enforcement agencies, with 21 LAPD locations where the information may be obtained 24 hours/day by calling (213) 485-2121; the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department website (http://www.lasd.org) has a link titled “Sexual Offender (Megan’s Law)” that contains information regarding sexual offenders; or 3) individuals may call 1-800-448-3000. The Megan's Law website at http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov is another resource for sex offender information in California. It is illegal under California law to use any disclosed public information to commit a crime against any registrant or to engage in illegal discrimination or harassment against any registrant.
- Substance Abuse Program
Alcohol or drug abuse in the law school community is detrimental to an effective academic program, academic or work performance, residential life, and institutional reputation. Further, such abuse is detrimental to the health and safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors to the campus. Southwestern, as a recipient of federal funds, is subject to the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act (34CFR Part 86) which requires the adoption and implementation of a program to prevent the use and abuse of alcohol and illegal drugs by students, faculty, and staff. Southwestern's substance abuse program includes educating the law school community on substance abuse through presentations and publications. The Administrative Services Office may be contacted for publications and other information about substance abuse.
Southwestern recognizes that alcohol and substance dependencies are complex illnesses, which under most circumstances, can be successfully treated. Students, faculty, and staff who have a problem that they feel may affect academic or job performance should seek assistance from one of the many treatment programs available in the community (see "Important Telephone Numbers"). In addition, counseling services may be used through Charles Nechtem Associates, Inc. (1-800-531-0200).
Southwestern has established the following rules governing the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs on the law school campus or at Southwestern activities:
- Any unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or drugs on Southwestern premises or at any Southwestern sponsored activity is prohibited.
- Alcoholic beverages may not be served at student functions held on Southwestern premises or at Southwestern-sponsored off-campus events unless approval and permission are obtained.
- Southwestern will not provide funds for the purchase of alcoholic beverages at off-campus student events.
- All students, faculty, and staff are prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while on campus.
Infractions of this policy will be regarded as a basis for Southwestern disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from school or termination of employment. Violations will be handled according to procedures set forth in the documents regulating student, faculty, and staff behavior (i.e., Student Honor Code, Faculty Handbook, and Employee Handbook). In addition, any violation of this policy which is a violation of local, state, or federal law and which occurs on the law school campus will be referred to the appropriate authorities for criminal prosecution.
Information compiled by the Administrative Services Office in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.