September 19, 2019
Southwestern Alumni Topping the Charts and #Winning
By M. Ariel Rahimi '20
Southwestern Affiliates Make the Charts
Charles J. Biederman and Robert Jacobs '92 featured on Billboard's 2019 Top Music Lawyers
Southwestern’s Charles J. “Jeff” Biederman and Robert Jacobs are featured on Billboard's 2019 list of Top Music Lawyers and we couldn’t be prouder. Jeff, a Southwestern affiliate, and Robert, a 1992 Southwestern graduate, are some of the nation’s top music lawyers and have been at the forefront of the biggest deals and legal disputes in the industry. Jeff was also the featured speaker of a Donald E. Biederman Entertainment and Media Law Institute presentation earlier this year. Watch A Conversation with Jeff Biederman here.
A Big Mistake Yields the Biggest Award
Matt Whibley '14 Featured on The Great Trials Podcast
Southwestern graduate Matt Whibley '14 of the Vartazarian law firm gets justice and California’s largest pain and suffering award in a case without punitive damages for 5-year in action against San Bernardino County. Read up on the case and listen to the podcast here.
Petrocelli Strikes Again
Daniel Petrocelli '80 Featured on Law.com
Daniel Petrocelli '80 steps into Ariana Grande’s corner in her fight against Forever 21. Read how Grande’s 160 million fans may give the Goliath retail chain more to fear than just a substantive judgment.
Southwestern Grad Helps launch NYU’s New LA Program
Professor Bonnie Greenberg '78 Featured on NYU Arts and Culture Page
Southwestern graduate, Bonnie Greenberg '78, is gearing up to help launch NYU’s new highly anticipated Los Angles program taking off this fall. Read about Professor Greenberg’s Lectures and more about the new NYU program here.
Reaching the Partner Track Finish Line
Isela Barrios '09 Makes Partner at Hadsell Stormer & Renick, LLP
Watch her thrive! Southwestern Graduate Isela Barrios '09 makes partner at Hadsell Stormer & Renick, LLP, a Los Angeles based civil rights and employment firm. Checkout more about Isela and her firm here.