SWLAW Blog | Awards & Honors

February 25, 2016
Moot Court Team Earns Second Place Brief
Earlier this month at the 21st Annual Tulane Mardi Gras Sports Law Invitational Moot Court Competition, Southwestern’s team of writer Jaime Hernandez and oralists Damaris Santamaria and Dane Schrader produced the brief that took Second Place out of 26 submissions. The average brief score amongst all submissions was an 86, while Southwestern’s team earned a highly impressive score of 95.6.
Hernandez explained that the success of his brief was a team effort. “The Tulane competition was an incredibly rewarding experience preceded only by the honor of working with two remarkable oralists. Both of whom were instrumental in the research and drafting process of the brief. The brief is truly the product of a concerted team effort,” he said. “All of which suffice it to say is a direct reflection of the leadership, direction, and preparation afforded by Southwestern’s Moot Court Board of Directors and our Program Director, Professor Alexandra D’Italia.”
Alumnus Oliver Vasquez ’00 served as the team’s dedicated coach. This year’s competition involved issues of due process, equal protection, and the “baseball rule,” which limits liability for stadium owners to any non-inherent risks.