SWLAW Blog | Diversity

March 29, 2021
Meet our 2021 Women's Law Association Board Members
Meet the inspiring, bold, and pioneering ladies leading our Women's Law Association. They're working tirelessly to promote the participation and success of diverse women within the legal profession.
Our Women's Law Association hosts social gatherings, informational meetings and collaborates with other organizations to create an open discussion regarding women in the legal system. They also provide resources for women to advocate for fairness, equal representation, and equal rights to help them thrive in the legal community.
Co-President - Emily Hart
Year: 3L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: To advocate for children with disabilities in various legal areas.
Activities: WLA Co-President, Teen Court Co-President, Bisong A Cappella Vice President, Supervising Dean’s Fellow, Research Assistant for Professor Rodriguez
She says: Do what makes you happy and what you are passionate about.
Fun Fact: I started playing pickleball with my mom during the pandemic.
Female Role Model: Emma Watson
Co-President - Kelly Chacon
Year: 3L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: To serve children with disabilities from underprivileged communities.
Activities: WLA Co-President, NHP Competing Fellow, Teaching Assistant for LAWS and Constitutional Criminal Procedure, Peer Mentor
She says: "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn't be that women are the exception." - Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Fun Fact: I like photography and used to model.
Female Role Model: My mom for always inspiring me to grow beyond societal barriers.
Vice-President - Kim Hernandez
Year: 2L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: Become a mentor for youth and a leader within low-income communities of color in Los Angeles.
Activities: WLA Vice President, Bisong A Cappella, HNBA Moot Court Competition, Latino Law Students Association, Dean’s Fellow, Civil Procedure Teaching Assistant, Cooking, Gardening
She says: A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink.
Fun Fact: I have 8 tattoos, all telling my life story.
Female Role Model: My mother, Maria, for raising 5 powerful women on her own and teaching me how truly powerful women are.
Secretary - Tiffany Lo
Year: 2L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: Become a successful lawyer and a mom.
Activities: WLA Secretary, Law Review, Dean’s Fellow, Asian Pacific American Law Student Association, Tax Law Society, Public Interest Law Committee
She says: "There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish." - Michelle Obama. I am grateful to be a part of the Women’s Law Association. I am inspired everyday!
Fun Fact: I went to an all-girl boarding school for 6 years in Taiwan.
Female Role Model: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Treasurer - Jenna Karvunidis
Year: 2L, Part-Time Day
Future Aspiration: To be a good example for my daughters.
Activities: WLA Treasurer, Peer Mentor, Environmental Law Society, Entertainment Law Society, Girl Scouts of LA Troop Leader
She says: What if you did?
Fun Fact: Vegetarian since 7th grade.
Female Role Model: Jill Biden
Fundraising Chair - Gabbie Clemente
Year: 3L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: Become a production attorney.
Activities: WLA Fundraising Chair, Latino Law Students Association Co-President, Bisong A Cappella President, Constitutional Criminal Procedure Teaching Assistant, Peer Mentor Advisory Board
She says: It’s okay, I got this!
Fun Fact: I’m a classically trained opera singer.
Female Role Model: My mother for somehow getting through law school as a young mother, wife, and full-time worker; and for teaching me that I have every right to speak my mind.
Community Outreach/Publicity Coordinator - Morgan Larsen
Year: 2L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: To love what I do every day.
Activities: WLA Community Outreach/Publicity Coordinator, Armed Forces Law Society
She says: On the other side of fear lies freedom.
Female Role Model: Amelia Earhart
Section A 1L Representative - Pinar Ozhabes
Year: 1L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: Help people believe in their potential and inspire them to achieve their dreams.
Activities: WLA Section A 1L Representative, International Law Society 1L Representative, Immigration Law Society, OneJustice Volunteer
She says: If it doesn’t scare you a little, it’s not worth doing.
Fun Fact: I have an unhealthy addiction to tea.
Female Role Model: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Section B 1L Representative - I'niah Clark
Year: 1L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: Become a mentor to at least one first-generation law student.
Activities: WLA Section B 1L Representative, Mass Incarceration Awareness Law Society Section B 1L Representative, Cannabis Law Society, Entertainment Law Society, Mayweather Hollywood Boxing and Fitness Club
She says: I want to put a ding in the universe.
Fun Fact: I’m double-jointed in both thumbs.
Female Role Model: My mother, Jenia Robinson.
Section C 1L Representative - Isamar Negrete
Year: 1L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: An attorney who works directly with talent or entertainment projects.
Activities: WLA Section C 1L Representative, Bisong A Cappella, Latino Law Students Association 1L Representative, Student Bar Association 1L Representative, Entertainment Law Society, Intellectual Property Law Society, Animal Legal Defense Fund, Music Law Society.
She says: "If not me, who? If not now, when?" - Emma Watson
Fun Fact: I’m a huge Harry Potter Fan!
Female Role Model: Michelle Obama
1L Part-Time Representative - Lisa Ow
Year: 1L, Part-Time Evening
Future Aspiration: Become a plaintiff’s attorney in medical malpractice and product liability related to pharmaceuticals.
Activities: WLA 1L Part-Time Representative, Law and Medicine Society, Plaintiff Law for Consumers
She says: "Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists...it is real...it is possible...it’s yours." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
Fun Fact: I love to play pool and have competed in tournaments in the past and as a member of an APA team.
Female Role Model: My mama, for teaching me unconditional love, and Debra Greenfield, for being actively involved in law and bioethics and for being the first to tell me I would become a lawyer.
SCALE I Representative - Charlotte Bray
Future Aspiration: Become a successful attorney.
Activities: WLA SCALE I Representative, Entertainment Law Society, Small Claims Court Clinic
She says: "Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles." - Tina Fey. My time at Southwestern has heightened the importance of this sentiment. If you see a problem, do something about it. We in the law have power to do so.
Female Role Model: Michelle Obama