SWLAW Blog | Diversity

December 9, 2019
Outstanding Alumnus Establishes Armenian Heritage Scholarship Endowment Fund
Southwestern alum, Kenneth R. Gorvetzian '86, is giving back to the school and paying it forward to future generations of lawyers. He recently gifted Southwestern with a generous donation to establish the Armenian Heritage Scholarship Endowment Fund.
The purpose of the fund is to provide a scholarship(s) to students of Armenian descent who have provided service to the Armenian community. Also considered during the selection process are academic performance and work ethic.
Professor Anahid Gharakanian, Director of the Externship Program and Faculty Advisor for the Armenian Law Students' Association, reflected on the lasting impact of the scholarship and its significance to our students.
"The Gorvetzians' thoughtfulness in establishing this scholarship is much appreciated, given that its impact goes beyond generous financial support and sends a resounding message to our very large Armenian-American community of students and beyond that celebrates our Armenian heritage."
Mr. Gorvetzian, currently the Sr. Vice President and Senior Counsel at American Funds/Capital Group, said he hopes his donation will encourage others to follow suit and give back.
"We are excited to establish Southwestern's Armenian Heritage Scholarship Endowment Fund. We hope others will also contribute to this Fund, which will help provide educational opportunities to Southwestern students of Armenian descent."
- Kenneth R. Gorvetzian
Thank you to Mr. Gorvetzian for his kind contribution to our school and our students! We are grateful for his commitment and dedication to making a difference in our community by leading by example.
To learn how you can give back to Southwestern and invest in the future of our school and students through a scholarship, visit: www.swlaw.edu/alumni-giving