SWLAW Blog | Diversity

September 27, 2019
Meet our 2019 PILC Grant Recipients Working in the District Attorney's Office (PART TWO)
The Public Interest Law Committee (PILC) is a student-run organization that encourages public interest involvement and sponsors events such as the annual Party Books, Live Auction, Trivia Bowl, and etc to raise grant money for public interest students.
We want to recognize those students and the incredible work they are doing with their Public Interest Law Committee Summer Grant. Introducing our final group of 2019 PILC Grant recipients working in the District Attorney's Office:
James Glassman, 2L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Major Crimes Division
"I chose to work at the District Attorney’s Office this summer because I used to work in the 9-1-1 public safety industry before law school and loved it. It was fulfilling to know that the work I did every day made my community safer, and I was glad to continue that work at the District Attorney’s Office. It was so rewarding to help fight for justice and closure for murder victims’ families. "
Kathleen Mancilla, 4L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Hardcore Gang Division
"I am passionate about public interest work because it gives me the most direct access to my community. I was able to advocate for victims while working as a law clerk with the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Hardcore Gang Division."
Lyna To, 2L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Organized Crimes Division
"I am passionate about our nation's Constitution and ensuring that due process is fairly given. During my summer clerking at the District Attorney's office I assisted the District Attorneys in their cases to ensure justice is sought out for the victims that these crimes were committed upon."
Megan Willis, 2L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Hardcore Gang Division
"I am passionate about bringing justice to those who have been wronged. I want to help victims of crime by giving them a voice against their perpetrator. I worked every single day to help district attorneys do just that. There are families and people out there whose lives are changed by the violence we only read about. It is important to never forget why we work so hard."
Melody Mulligan, 2L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office
"The PILC Grant allowed me the opportunity to give back to my community by working towards justice. My experience at the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office included meeting victims, learning about the California criminal law process, and researching some complex constitutional and state law issues that arise as special circumstances."
Samantha Joaquin, 3L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Victim Impact Program, Pasadena Branch
“I am passionate about helping victims find a voice and helping them navigate the criminal justice system. I believe it is important for everyone to give back to the community in any way possible. Working at the District Attorney’s Office Victim Impact Program has given me the opportunity to give back to my community by representing my community’s interest in balancing justice and protecting a victim’s rights, as well as respecting an accused person’s rights.”
PILC Grants are available for continuing students who work in public interest during the summer. Applications are due in March. Awards up to $5,000. Email publicservice@swlaw.edu for more information.