SWLAW Blog | Diversity

September 20, 2019
Meet our 2019 PILC Grant Recipients Working in the District Attorney's Office (PART ONE)
The Public Interest Law Committee (PILC) is a student-run organization that encourages public interest involvement and sponsors events such as the annual Party Books, Live Auction, Trivia Bowl, and etc to raise grant money for public interest students.
We want to recognize those students and the incredible work they are doing with their Public Interest Law Committee Summer Grant. Introducing the first half of our 2019 PILC Grant recipients working in the District Attorney's Office:
Emily Hart, 2L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Hardcore Gang Unit, San Fernando Branch
"One legal issue that I am passionate about is ensuring neighborhoods where I grew up are safe. By working with the Hardcore Gang Unit specifically, I was able to help bring justice to the San Fernando community by prosecuting gang members who performed criminal acts."
Jessica Bulaon, 2L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Hardcore Gang Unit
"I am passionate about seeking justice for the vulnerable or underserved members of the community. I believe there are very delicate and complex ways to administer justice in criminal law and working at the Hardcore Gang Unit has opened up my knowledge about prosecutorial discretion, keeping the victims' families in mind, and treating the defendants with respect and dignity."
Kareen Shatikian, 2L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Sex Crimes Division
"There is a large demographic of people who don't get justice or have their voices heard. By working in the sex crimes division, we give the victims that chance. Being able to help give the victim either some sense of closure or peace is great. You know that the work that you've been doing is truly helping someone."
Kelly Chacon, 2L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Family Violence Division
"I believe working in a public interest field is vital to helping our community prosper and grow. This summer I was able to work in a specialized unit within the District Attorney's Family Violence Division that focused on complex child abuse cases. Here, I was able to help advocate for infant children who are unable to speak up for themselves."
Talya Deluya, 3L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Hardcore Gang Division
"My role as a law clerk in the Hard Core Gangs Division directly impacts the lives of the communities and victims overwhelmed with gangs and gang violence. I worked directly with the victims and victim's families as not only a legal aid but an advocate during criminal proceedings to the end of criminal trials."
Vincent Choi, 2L
Summer Placement: Los Angeles District Attorney's Office - Organized Crime Division
"I come from a low socioeconomic background surrounded by many disadvantaged members of society, especially in my family. I now pursue a legal career with the hope that I can help others in situations similar to mine. I hope to help victims of abuse and prosecute those who inflict violence or trauma to their spouses and/or children."
PILC Grants are available for continuing students who work in public interest during the summer. Applications are due in March. Awards up to $5,000. Email publicservice@swlaw.edu for more information.