SWLAW Blog | Faculty Features

January 17, 2019
NBC asked Professor Dorff to Explain Why Retailers Aren't Bound by Online Prices
Randy Mac, NBC's I-Team Consumer Investigator and host of "Randy Responds," recently answered a popular e-commerce question:
Are retailers required to Honor Online Prices?
According to Professor Dorff, "Probably Not."
And while this seems unfair and borderline fraudulent, some retailers (in this case Wal*Mart) will still do the right thing.
Professor Dorff breaks it down and explains how check-out disclaimers and terms of use policies protect retailers from honoring online advertised prices. Watch it here!
We suspect that the next time you get an "out-of-stock" notice for an online bargain, you'll be checking to see if the item is available at a higher price!
Nice work Professor Dorff!