SWLAW Blog | Faculty Features

November 27, 2017
Judge Harry Pregerson - beloved friend, mentor, hero to the underdog and under-served - dies at age 94.
Rest in Peace Judge Pregerson.
Judge Pregerson was a great supporter and friend to Southwestern. He hired our students as externs, graduates as clerks, and was a regular speaker during Public Interest Law Week. He received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree at Southwestern's 2003 commencement.
We miss him already...
Our Vice Dean, Christopher David Ruiz Cameron, (also a trustee of the Mexican American Bar Foundation) is quoted in the Times' article. "Harry never forgot his roots," Cameron said. "He identified with the struggles of Chicanos and practically considered himself one of us."
Read Maura Dolan's heartfelt article here, the Law360 article here, and the Newsweek article here.