SWLAW Blog | Diversity

December 18, 2019
1L Markisha Roches Awarded 2019 California ChangeLawyers Scholarship
Congratulations to 1L Markisa Roches on becoming a 2019 California ChangeLawyers Scholar! Markisha was selected in recognition of her resilience in overcoming adversity and her demonstrated leadership. Her scholarship is sponsored by Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP.
California ChangeLawyers, formerly known as the California Bar Foundation, is a statewide foundation that empowers the next generation of lawyers, judges, and activists. Their scholarships support diverse law students in their pursuit of higher education and a legal career. Last year, the foundation awarded close to $400,000 in scholarships to 61 students, of which almost two-thirds were women, and nearly all were first-generation law students.
Markisha is a ChangeLawyer because she is committed to public service and wants to create a better legal system for victims of violent crimes. Her goal is to clerk for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, where she once worked as a victim advocate.
"My vision for the future is to ensure that victims' voices are heard because they are more than just a name on a criminal complaint. They are individuals that have multifaceted lives."
- Markisha Roches, 1L
Watch this short clip of Markisha's passionate speech at the ChangeLawyers inaugural Leaders Summit on October 3, 2019, at UC Hastings.
Way to go, Markisha! We are so proud of you and your dedication to becoming the change you want to see in the legal system.