SWLAW Blog | Future Students

September 24, 2019
SCALE MYTH #3 - Southwestern's 2 Year Accelerated J.D. SCALE Program students miss out on externships, honors programs, and campus life.
By: Matthew Stein
(Part of a series of articles regarding SCALE Myths)
Not true! SCALE students are not only welcome to participate in all of Southwestern's student organizations, externships, and honors programs. They often emerge as leaders and fierce competitors who dominate in Trial Advocacy Honors, Moot Court, and Negotiation Honors programs.
Recently, Southwestern's Negotiation Honors Teams swept the ABA Regionals (trust me, that is a BIG DEAL). SCALE students Dylan Sydneysmith (far left) and Jenny Volanti (third from left) were on the first and second place teams respectively.
Click here to read more about the big Negotiation Honors Team win.
I wanted to be sure to add that the SCALE program includes a guaranteed externship. You know that saying "there is no such thing as a sure thing?" That does NOT apply to SCALE externships. It is also possible to add another semester to your program and do a second externship. See Busted Myth #1.
MYTH: SCALE students miss out on externships and campus life.
FACT: SCALE students are an important part of externships, student organizations, honors programs, and are guaranteed an externship.
Other busted Myths about SCALE:
It is harder to get accepted to the SCALE program than other Southwestern J.D. Programs
SCALE is an abridged program and doesn't cover all of the core legal concepts