SWLAW Blog | Entertainment & Media Law

February 23, 2022
BEMLI Presents The Talent Agencies Act: Today & Tomorrow — February 25, 2022
The Biederman Entertainment & Media Law Institute cordially invites you to, The Talent Agencies Act: Today & Tomorrow - A Forum On The Existing State of the Law and Some Potential Game-Changing Ideas, taking place February 25th, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. PT, via Zoom. This program offers 2 MCLE credits.
Friday, February 25, 2022,
4:00 - 6:00 P.M. via Zoom
This program offers 2 MCLE credits
This zoom forum will discuss the implications of Bacall v. Shumway and the CA-based Independent Sports & Entertainment (ISC), including:
- Will there be a run of artists citing Bacall to claim their talent reps have no right to compensation because they negotiate contracts, an activity the Bacall Court has now exclusively reserved for licensed attorneys?
- After ISC, are endorsement contracts negotiated by sports agents that don’t also have talent agency licenses worth the paper they were executed on?
Don't miss this engaging panel discussion on the Talent Agencies Act!
Click here to view the list of featured speakers and event details.