SWLAW Blog | Awards & Honors

April 8, 2021
Congratulations to our 2020-2021 SBA Professor of the Year Award Recipients
The SBA Professor of the Year Award recognizes a First-Year, Upper-Division, and Adjunct Professor at Southwestern Law School as selected by the student body. The award recognizes distinguished achievement in the performance of the teaching mission by members of the faculty. It symbolizes the students' appreciation and recognition of professors who go beyond the call of duty in the classroom.
It is our pleasure to announce the recipients of the 2020-2021 SBA Professor of the Year Awards!
First Year Professor - Dennis Yokoyama
“I am humbled by and grateful to my students. I have been very lucky to work with talented and dedicated colleagues and to have taught bright, hardworking students since I began teaching at Southwestern in 1992. My students this year have maintained a positive attitude since we began the course last August, and they have made my work with them a real joy. They inspire me to do my best in preparing for each class and in helping them learn detailed, nuanced, and complex areas of Civil Procedure. Many thanks to my students!”
Upper Division Professor - Catherine Carpenter
“My greatest professional joy is to be able to teach my students. I consider it a privilege to be able to help students develop from newbies to professionals-in-waiting. To be acknowledged by my students, especially among so many talented and gifted colleagues, is a special honor which I truly appreciate.”
Adjunct Professor - Edward Stark
“I’m truly honored to receive this award as a sign of recognition by the students, but it is especially meaningful to be honored alongside Professor Carpenter and Professor Yokoyama, who I consider the best of the best. There are so many accomplished and nationally recognized professors at Southwestern, sharing their knowledge and expertise with our dedicated and hard-working students, that even just to be on the faculty at the same law school at which these professors impart their knowledge and skills on a daily basis is surreal. I greatly appreciate your choosing me to receive this award and what it symbolizes.”
Congratulations to all three professors on their recognition! Thank you for your exceptional commitment to shaping the legal minds of our students.