SWLAW Blog | Events

December 1, 2020
Don’t Go Solo Alone! Los Angeles Incubator Consortium 2021 Applications Opening Soon
Thinking about hanging your own shingle? Join the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium for an informational webinar on Thursday, December 3, 2020, at 4:00 P.M.
The Los Angeles Incubator Consortium (LAIC) will be opening the application period to Southwestern’s Class of 2020 graduates and/or 0-5 alumni newly licensed by the California Bar beginning on Friday, December 4 –December 11, 2020.
What is the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium?
LAIC is a 12-month attorney development program assisting recent graduates / 0-5 year attorneys in launching a solo practice catering to “modest means” clients in the start-up year – all while selected participants receive substantive training and mentoring support from consortium agencies, community partners, and experienced attorneys.
How can I find more information about the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium?
Register for the information webinar on Thursday, December 3, 2020. LAIC’s annual webinar will discuss program benefits, program requirements, eligibility criteria, and the application process.
Where can I apply to the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium?
All LAIC application instructions, forms, and program updates are posted at the Los Angeles Incubator Consortium website.
Deadline to apply: Friday, December 11, 2020.
Questions can be directed to Southwestern’s Public Service Program at publicservice@swlaw.edu.