SWLAW Blog | Diversity

September 13, 2019
Meet our 2019 PILC Grant Recipients Working in Environmental Law
The Public Interest Law Committee (PILC) is a student-run organization that encourages public interest involvement and sponsors events such as the annual Party Books, Live Auction, Trivia Bowl, and etc to raise grant money for public interest students.
We want to recognize those students and the incredible work they are doing with their Public Interest Law Committee Summer Grant. Introducing our 2019 PILC Grant recipients working in Environmental law:
Jacqueline Dean, 2L
Summer Placement: South Coast Air Quality Management District
"I am passionate to work in environmental law because I believe equal access to natural resources like clean air and safe drinking water is a fundamental right. My time at South Coast AQMD’s Office of the General Counsel was rewarding as it exposed me to the convergence of science-based law with environmental regulations that work to improve air quality for the District’s residents. I was also granted the opportunity to research critical legislation, practice oral advocacy in an administrative hearing, and learn the multi-level complexities involved with the District’s jurisdictional authority."
Elijah Hakobian, 2L
Summer Placement: South Coast Air Quality Management District
"Working at the South Coast Air Quality Management District was one of the best experiences I've ever had. I could tell that the work the Office of the General Counsel did was actually making a difference in people's lives. I was given the opportunity to argue a civil prosecution case before an administrative board where a business was polluting chemicals into their neighborhood. I was glad to be using the education I received from Southwestern to find justice for the people affected. Being their voice and fighting for their quality of life is what environmental law attorneys do."
PILC Grants are available for continuing students who work in public interest during the summer. Applications are due in March. Awards up to $5,000. Email publicservice@swlaw.edu for more information.