SWLAW Blog | Events

January 9, 2017
Southwestern Law School and the Media Law Resource Center Present 14th Annual Conference
As the digital age makes it easier than ever for anyone to generate original and derivative works while expanding the reach of such creations, how do artists protect their intellectual property? How do producers set up strategic distribution deals with international markets and deal with censorship and other adaptations that may need to be considered? How does the entertainment industry keep pace with the internet and contend with liability matters?
These issues will be the focus of Keeping the Beat in a Crazy Year: Blurred Lines and Border Crossings, the 14th Annual Entertainment and Media Law Conference presented by Southwestern Law School’s Donald E. Biederman Entertainment and Media Law Institute and the Media Law Resource Center (MLRC). The conference will be held on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at the Los Angeles Times Building.
Four discussion panels featuring prominent legal practitioners will be presented:
- “Does the Song Remain the Same? Stairway to Heaven and Other Recent Music Copyright Battles”
- “China and Hollywood: Distribution and Censorship in a Cross-Pacific Partnership”
- “Hollywood and the Web: An Internet Update”
- “The Final Frontier of Fandom: Dealing with Fan-Produced Works”
Offering four hours of CLE credit, the conference is scheduled from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. followed by a reception. It will be held at the Los Angeles Times Building, Globe Lobby, at 202 W. 1st Street in Los Angeles. There is a parking structure located at 213 S. Spring Street. Questions about the conference may be directed to Southwestern’s Biederman Institute at (213) 738-6602 or institute@swlaw.edu.