Appellate Litigation Clinic

Appellate Litigation Clinic

The Appellate Litigation Clinic offers students an opportunity to work with the professor in litigating pro bono appeals in the Ninth Circuit - up to and including oral argument before the court. Students will receive hands-on training in legal research and writing as well as substantive law as it applies to the cases. Students will participate in every step of the process, including review of the file; meeting with the client; assessing possible claims; researching case law; proposing arguments; drafting, revising, and proofing the opening brief; reviewing the response brief; drafting, revising, and proofing the reply brief; and negotiating possible settlement. The course will meet once a week to discuss the research and writing tasks for the upcoming week as well as talk about litigation strategy in general. Research and writing assignments may be time-consuming. One or two students will be chosen to argue each case in the Ninth Circuit. Oral argument is guaranteed.