Outside Scholarship Opportunities

Any scholarship or grant award offered from a source other than Southwestern Law School is referred to as an outside scholarship.

Students may be eligible for a specific scholarship or grant from an outside agency. Some sources to explore are employers, unions, professional organizations, special interest groups, and the web.

Students must notify the financial aid office if receiving funds from any outside sources. The check should be sent to the Financial Aid office. In most cases, the funds will be credited automatically to your student account; otherwise, we will contact you to endorse the check. Please note:  If a student receives a scholarship from an outside organization, the financial aid office first applies the amount against any outstanding balance on their student account.  

For additional information regarding outside awards, you may also visit these sites to assist you with your search of outside scholarships. We do not necessarily endorse all of these sites, but we want to make them available to students. While they may aid in your search, it is possible to get similar results from pursuing the web on your own.