SWLAW Blog | Events

January 3, 2019
Southwestern Journal of International Law to Host "25 Years After Argentina's AMIA Bombing: Justice vs. Impunity" – February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019, 3pm - 8:45pm
Southwestern Law School Campus
3050 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Hosted by the Southwestern Journal of International Law
On July 18, 1994, terrorists bombed the AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina) in Buenos Aires, the central offices of the Argentine Jewish community, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds more. No one has ever been held criminally accountable for the crime. Southwestern’s symposium includes leading attorneys, professors and Jewish Community leaders from Argentina and the United States who have participated in the investigation of the bombing, studied the failures in its investigations and dealt with the repercussions for the Argentine Jewish community of the bombing and resulting impunity.
Click here for brochure/schedule. Read the CLE Materials here.
Contact the Journal of International Law’s Office at (213) 738–6857 or lawjournal@swlaw.edu, or the Student Affairs Office at (213) 738–6716 or studentaffairs@swlaw.edu.