Jodi Jewell
Professor of Legal Analysis, Writing & Skills

B.A., Brigham Young University
J.D., Brigham Young University
Member, Utah State Bar
Professor Jodi Wood Jewell is an experienced and innovative teacher who incorporates practical skills into her classroom. In her teaching, she uses varied techniques to foster strong student engagement and to create a supportive academic environment.
“Clear thinking and effective communication are foundational to a successful legal career.”
Professor Jewell received her B.A. from Brigham Young University, and her J.D. from J. Reuben Clark Law School. She has taught both skills and doctrinal courses, including Appellate Advocacy, Legal Research & Writing, Business Associations, Remedies, Sales, and Torts. Professor Jewell has taught at several Southern California area law schools. Most recently she taught at the University of La Verne College of Law, where she was a professor of law, and where she served as the Director of Legal Analysis & Writing from 2012-2020. In her role as director, Professor Jewell implemented an innovative first-year writing program that focused on the development of core skills, incorporated learning outcomes assessment, and used frequent and effective feedback to foster student success.
Professor Jewell is an active scholar. She has presented on various legal writing topics at several conferences. She has also published several law review articles on education law topics; she has an ongoing interest in encouraging educational institutions to observe the individual constitutional rights of students, including providing equal access to education, and creating conduct and discipline policies that are non-discriminatory.